A Girl Named Zippy-- Complete
Wednesday, February 8, 2006 at 3:30PM

Beth heard this author on NPR and recommended her for our book club. It is certainly a quick read and when I heard the NPR segment, I felt excited to read it as well.  While I appreciate the humor and quirkiness, it is not grabbing me as much as I would like.  Fortunately, it does not require a lot of brain power which may make it good for reading while on drugs.  The character is funny and I like the narrative voice, so hopefully those things will make the story more endearing as I go on and finish.


This was a good book to read in the weeks immediately after surgery. I did not have to focus super hard to get through the stories and each chapter was pretty short.  Overall, I enjoyed seeing the world through the seven year old perspective.

Recommend to a friend: Yes.

Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/).
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