Lisa tagged me for a meme about my travel reading habits. I have had a lot of experience in this area recently. For this meme, I specifically tag birdlashes and planet books. I generally tag anyone else who reads and would like to share in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you!
1. What book are you reading right now? Do you like it?
2. What was the last book you read on a plane?
3. What was the last book you read on a roadtrip?
4. What is the most unusual place you found yourself reading?
5. What books would you take to keep you occupied on a 2 week vacation to the beach?
1. Right now I am reading Wind Up Bird Chronicle and love it! Seriously, i think that I have a crush on this book. The characters are good and the plot has me on the edge of my seat. When I am not reading it, I want to be reading it. This book is truly an addiction.
2. I was reading Wind Up Bird Chronicle when I was on the plane from DC back to Seattle. On the way from Seattle to Baltimore, I was reading Midnight's Children which is also a good traveling book.
3. The last roadtrip I was on was last summer traveling last summer from place to place on the east coast. During the time, I was listening to the audio book of Harry Potter. Jim Dale is a fabulous "reader" who makes you feel like you are listening to some darn good theatre.
4. The most unusual place I found myself reading was while waiting in line to get my driver's license.
5. I would take any books that were on my TBR list for a two week stint at the beach. This currently includes She's Come Undone, Cities of the Interior, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.