Orbis Terrarum Challenge
Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:28PM
[beastmomma] in challengedone

I found another challenge that I could not resist joining.  The title means "the whole world." It is being hosted by B&b Ex libris.  The details are below and to join go here.

The Orbis Terrarum Challenge begins April 1 2008( you are welcome to join later) Through December 20th 2008.
- For the challenge each reader is to choose 9 books (for the 9 months).
-Each book must be by an author from a different nation in our world.

The bottom line: choose 9 different books, written by 9 different authors, from 9 different countries.

I do not have all of my books selected, but so far here is what I am thinking:

Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.