Weekly Geeks #12
Monday, July 28, 2008 at 3:45PM

I have been so sporadic in my participation. I am going to try to do better.

The rules for this week:


1. In your blog, list any books you’ve read but haven’t reviewed yet. If you’re all caught up on reviews, maybe you could try this with whatever book(s) you finish this week.
2. Ask your readers to ask you questions about any of the books they want. In your comments, not in their blogs. Most likely, people who will ask you questions will be people who have read one of the books or know something about it because they want to read it.
3. Later, take whichever questions you like from your comments and use them in a post about each book. I’ll probably turn mine into a sort of interview-review. Link to each blogger next to that blogger’s question(s).
4. Visit other Weekly Geeks and ask them some questions!
I am actually doing pretty well on book reviews; although, I have one pending.  I am also going to put in the name of the book I am currently reading.  Please ask me questions about the following two books:
Maps by Nuruddin Farah.

Love in the time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombia)
I look forward to your questions.
Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/).
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