I am very slow with completing books during this LAST year of law school while I am in the midst of wedding planning and daydreaming about making my life in a new state and figuring out how to find and create my dream job, so I thought that it would be fun to have a progress report of my reading. This is an online reading group where all the participants set aside time to read every Sunday and blog about the experience.
Even though I was going to leave behind What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin to read Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson in preparation for a book club meeting next week, I could not resist reading a bit more of WTBR. That book continues to become more interesting and I am starting to care more and more about the characters. You can read my previous three postings for the Sunday Salon about this selection here and here and here.
Over the weekend, I traveled to Calgary, Canada. On the plane and in the aiport, I read a bit of Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson. I thought that I would fly through this book because it is so short; however, I find myself trying to savor each word. I am still trying to figure out the gender of the narrator. I have noticed that I am having different reactions when I think that the narrator is a woman than when I think the narrator is male. It will be interesting how this reaction plays out as I continue the book.
Now, I am in the sticky position of trying to finish two books at the same time!