Orbis Terrarum Challenge-- Wrap Up Post
Friday, January 16, 2009 at 12:58AM
[beastmomma] in challengedone

Even with the deadline extension, I did not complete the challenge. I am not finished with my last selection.  However, I wanted to post my selections and answer the survey questions.  Maybe I will be forgiven for being late since I am helping out with the prize distribution :)

The bottom line: choose 9 different books, written by 9 different authors, from 9 different countries.

The books I read for the challenge are:

 The only book that I did not care for much was Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson. Otherwise, I thought that all of the selections were strong.  I enjoyed globe trotting by reading authors from around the world.   I am also pleased that I had a fair amount of geographic diversity. 

1.) What did you like about the challenge?

My favorite thing about the challenge was the chance to expand my reading by looking for authors who were from a variety of countries. 

2.) What would you like to see change for next year?

I would like my schedule to change a bit so that I could have more time to read and not be trying to finish at the last minute.  I also think that it might be fun to have the challenge go for an entire year-- March to March, instead of finishing in December.
3.) About the rules, or the non-existent rules...did you like that?

I was fine with the rules.

4.) Are you going to join us next year?

Yes, I am going to join next year!

5.) Pretty please give me any suggestions for changes, the betterment of the challenge, or just anything that you would like to see changed for next year.

I felt confused about whether the country of the book was based on the author's citizenship or ethnicity.  More clarity about that at the start of the challenge would have been helpful.

6.) Would you like the challenge to be more involved? What if we read books together sometimes? Would that interest you?

I think it would be fun to have options for getting involved throughout the challenge period.  Depending on my schedule, I would enjoy being part of the group reading process.

7.) would you be interested in helping somehow next year? How would you like to help?

Yes, I would love to help next year.  I could help with giving prizes or I could host a mini-challenge to help raise the buzz and keep up the enthusiasm.

Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/).
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