I am very slow with completing books during this LAST year of law school while I am in the midst of wedding planning and daydreaming about making my life in a new state and figuring out how to find and create my dream job, so I thought that it would be fun to have a progress report of my reading. This is an online reading group where all the participants set aside time to read every Sunday and blog about the experience.
Today, I continued reading a collection of short stories I started last week. So far The Japanese Wife by Kunal Basu is quite intriguing. I have been reading a bit of it every morning before starting my day. I have only read three stories so far. Of them, I thought that the premise of the title story "The Japanese Wife" was quite intriguing. It is about two pen pals who marry each other and do not meet. The title story is being made into a movie which I look forward to viewing.
This week has been pretty quiet; I have been enjoying my vacation. I only have one week left before law school wraps its clutches around me again. Hopefully, I can savor the moments and enjoy turning the pages of book I am reading for pleasure while it lasts :)