The Sunday Salon #7
Monday, April 21, 2008 at 2:41AM

The Sunday 

I am very slow with completing books this semester, so I thought that it would be fun to have a progress report of my reading.  This is an online reading group where all the participants set aside time to read every Sunday and blog about the experience.

I did not get to read very much today; however, I did read a bit more this week.  I continued the book I started last week.  The stories in St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves are very unusual.  I have only finished three stories; all three of the stories featured animals prominently and ended abruptly.  I am not sure if I am dense or if the stories did end quickly.  One thing I appreciate about the stories is how the main characters are dealing with their own development in the context of the changing world.

Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (
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