Everything is Broken

From TLC book tours:

On May 2, 2008, an enormous tropical cyclone made landfall in Burma, wreaking untold havoc, and leaving an official toll of 138,300 dead and missing. In the days that followed, the sheer scale of the disaster became apparent as information began to seep out from the hard-hit delta area. But the Burmese regime, in an unfathomable decision of near-genocidal proportions, provided little relief and blocked international aid from entering the country. Hundreds of thousands of Burmese citizens lacked food, drinking water, and basic shelter, but the xenophobic generals who rule the country refused emergency help.

Emma Larkin, who has been traveling to and secretly reporting on Burma for years, managed to arrange for a tourist visa in those frenzied days and arrived hoping to help. It was impossible for anyone to gauge just how much devastation the cyclone had left in its wake; by all accounts, including the regime’s, it was a catastrophe of epic proportions. In Everything is Broken: A Tale of Catastrophe in Burma (The Penguin Press; May 3, 2010; $35.95), Larkin chronicles the chaotic days and months that followed the storm, revealing the secretive politics of Burma’s military dictatorship, and the bizarre combination of vicious military force, religion, and mysticism that defined its unthinkable response to this horrific event.

Pages: 288 (Hardcover) The Penguin Press HC is the publisher

Rating: 8 out of 10

Source: Received from TLC book tours

Even though I knew it was going to be an intense emotional journey, I was excited and curious to read Everything Is Broken: A Tale of Catastrophe in Burma by Emma Larkin  The book provided a wealth of information from the history of the current regime to insight into Buddhist beliefs and cultural practices.  I was especially taken with the central role monks played in society and how harming the monks was one of the practices that brought people out to protest the government. As a result of the regime's harm to the monks, the monks decided to overturn the alms which The description of "overturning the alms" was especially powerful.  When the government failed to apologize for an assault against monks, the monks declared a boycott on accepting alms from the soldiers and their families.  This denies soldiers and their families the chance to make merit which is a central part of religious practice in the community.

My favorite parts of the book were when mythic tales were interwoven with the dark story.  For example, I really enjoyed reading about the stories of the people who clung to animals during the storm.  I was a little freaked out with the image of someone clinging to a snake or a python to ride out the storm, but I was also moved and amazed at how something that induces fear transforms into a life line.

The book contained many stories of loss and the struggles people went through to hang onto what they treasured.  One story of a mother who could not carry her baby broke my heart. She wrapped her child in a cloth and then held the cloth with her teeth during the entire storm.  The author heard lots of stories of family members who were dead or missing.  Losing clothing was also a big theme. Several of the stories described how people lost their clothing which was a sign of shame.  I was especially moved with the description of a woman who refused to come down from a tree until nightfall because she was naked.  

Even with all the loss and destruction, people were trying to figure out how to start over.  This part of the book was especially sad to me.  With the misinformation and restriction on aid, many people had little resources with which to start over.  At several points, the author provides lists to illustrate the large mismatch between what was received and what was needed. In a political environment when people could be thrown into jail for sharing information outside the country, it because an act of defiance to simply state "This is what we need."

Throughout the book, I found myself comparing the government response in Burma to the responses of governments to hurricane Katrina in the United States and the tsunami in Southeast Asia.  Even though the responses could have been better, the relative transparency of relief efforts and getting information out made it easier for the international community to respond to the disaster.

Finally, I was intrigued by the author's practice of writing the book.  She used a lot of first hand sources and often was operating under the radar.  I noticed that the author wrote using a pseudonym.  I found myself curious about what motivated her to take the risk to write the book, how she became interested in Burma, what she does when she is not writing books, and what she is doing now.

For other scheduled tour stops, please visit the TLC website.

In addition to being a tour stop, I am using this book for the following challenges:

  • Orbis Terrarum: The author was born in Asia and lives in Thailand. I am counting the book as coming from Thailand.
  • World Party Reading Challenge: The book takes place in Burma which is under military dictatorship. It fulfills the communist country requirement.
  • Global Reading Challenge: The book took place in Burma. Even though I already finished the continent of Asia, I am counting it as a "bonus read."

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 8:55AM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] in | Comments10 Comments

The Sunday Salon #58: Everything is Broken and the Romance Reader

The Sunday Salon.com

I am very slow with completing books as I am consumed with job hunting for a health lawyer position in MA. I thought it would be fun to track my reading progress each week. The Sunday Salon is  an online reading group where all the participants set aside time to read every Sunday and blog about the experience. To learn more or to join, click on the picture above.

A few weeks ago I found out that I did not pass the MA bar exam. It was very devastating.  I retreated into a cave of self-pity and doubt. I emerged and made the decision to take the bar again in July.  I felt humiliated and upset, but I did not have much time to dwell because I had to rush to make the filing deadline.  I filed on a Friday and my prep class started on Monday.

Last week, I got back into reading as well as bar prep. I took the commuter rail to my class location in downtown Boston.  During my commute, I read Everything is Broken by Emma Larkin.  It is an intense book about a failed government response after a devastating cyclone in Burma.  The book provides a lot of history and background on the political history of Burma. Because it is so informational dense, I have to read slowly.

Before going to bed, I have been reading a few pages of The Romance Reader by Pearl Abraham. I can really relate to the main character who is struggling with her own desire for independence and community expectations.

In other book news, I wrote what may be my shortest my review of A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick. You can find my review here.

Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 10:50PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

A Reliable Wife

From goodreads:

Abandoning her worldly life, traveling to a remote Wisconsin town in the dead of winter, trusting her future to a man she had never met - such was Catherine Land's new beginning. But there was an ending in sight as well, an ending that would redeem the treachery ahead, justify the sacrifice, and allow her to start over yet again. That was her plan." "For Ralph Truitt, the wealthy businessman who had advertised for "a reliable wife," this was also to be a new beginning. Years of solitude, denial, and remorse would be erased, and Catherine Land, whoever she might be, would be the vessel of his desires, the keeper of his secrets, the means to recover what was lost. That was his plan." Set just after the turn of the twentieth century, A Reliable Wife is the story of these two people, each plagued by a heart filled with anger and guilt, each with a destiny in mind. But neither anticipates what develops between them - the pent-up longings that Catherine discovers in this enigmatic man and the depth of her own emotional response; the joy Ralph experiences in giving Catherine the luxuries she has never known, his growing need for her, and a desire that he thought was long buried.

Pages: 291 (Hardcover)

Rating: 7 out of 10

Source: Borrowed from library

I actually finished this book on April 30th for the Worcester book club meeting, but I have not been able to formulate a good review.  The week of the meeting I found out that I did not pass the bar exam which was incredibly upsetting and humiliating. I retreated to a cave of self-pity and finally emerged with determination to try my best again and hope for a better result.   Even though I have more energy and joy again, I am at a loss for words to create a very elaborate review.

I will simply say that the book is dark and satisfying like a good piece of chocolate.

Each chapter brought a new twist and insight into the morbid and horrifying history of a character. Even as I was reading about terrible events, the writing was very lyrical. I really appreciated that the book was easy to read. A lot of unexpected things happened, but I found that it worked. The ending left me satisfied-- much like having good aftertaste from enjoying a heavenly piece of chocolate.

I am counting this book for the following challenge: 2010 Global Challenge: I am counting it for the continent of North America and the country of United States of America.

Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 9:29PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] in | CommentsPost a Comment

Booking Through Thursday: Influence

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Are your book choices influenced by friends and family? Do their recommendations carry weight for you? Or do you choose your books solely by what you want to read?

Yes, my book choices are influenced by family and friends. Their recommendations do carry weight, especially people shose book choices are similiar to mine. I try to choose books that I want to read, but these days I am often reading things to prepare for a book club meeting :)
Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 9:23PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

Booking Through Thursday: Earth Day

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It’s Earth Day … what are you reading? Are your reading habits changing for the sake of the environment? What are you doing for the sake of the planet today?

I am not reading anything related to earth day. I have been trying to get more of my books from the library instead of purchasing them. Although that is more for my pocket than the planet.  For the sake of the planet, I am continuing to recycle vigorously and eat vegetarian. This year, I hope to grow my own tomatoes and herbs.

Posted on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 8:19PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment