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The Sunday Salon  #1

The Sunday Salon.com

I am very slow with completing books this semester, so I thought that it would be fun to have a progress report of my reading.  This is an online reading group where all the participants set aside time to read every Sunday and blog about the experience. Even though I did the reading yesterday, I did not get a chance to post until today. 

Last night before going to bed, I read some more of My War: Killing Time in Iraq by Colby Buzzell. This is a soldier account of his time in Iraq.  I have had mixed reactions to the book.  It is based on a blog.  According to the book, a lot of soldiers and their families turned to the blog to get insight and information about what was going on Iraq that was not reported by the media.  I think it is important to get a clear picture of what war is really like instead of having it play out like a video game or something that is very abstract.  

There was also concern about giving away military secrets and Buzzell contends with having his writing screened.  At the beginning of the book, I noticed that the chapters were short and easy to read.  As the book has gone on (much like the war itself), the chapters are longer and more intricate.  There are lots of details that may get skimmed over or information that could just become background noise.   One thing I appreciate from reading this book is the importance of paying attention and the challenge of balancing the right to speak/write with security concerns.  Maybe I will have a different reaction when I finish, but for now I am enjoying the book.  It was the book club selection for Planet Book's  for January and February.  

Posted on Monday, March 10, 2008 at 1:33PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

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