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Friday Fill-In #70


I am posting the fill-in over here this week because I want to keep the engagement post at the top of the original page for a bit longer. 

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are water and lemon!
2. How the future becomes the present often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is not going to forget about wanting to go for a walk.
4. Good friends and yummy food, mix it all together and voila! You have a great time!.
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow tomatoes.
6. Honey is best au naturel.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include preparing for my Con Law exam and Sunday, I want to do more studying, so that I can kick butt on my Constitutional Law exam!

Posted on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 12:17AM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

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