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Love in the Time of Cholera

Reading this book was a bit like a roller coaster ride for me.  At first I loved the imagery, but did not think the story was anything spectacular.  As I got to the middle of the book, I really started to enjoy it.  The magical realism helped to bring the plot to life.  I really loved the character of  Fermina and could sympathize with Florentino.   Even when you believe the love in your heart is timeliness, life moves on and age steps into the picture.  However, I felt like I hit a wall when Florentino seduced and began sleeping with a young woman who reminded him of Fermina at a young age.  My inner voice kept screaming, "You are a sick old man! She is a child!"

The book is loved by so many and I was hoping that I could become a member of the fan club.  Fortunately by the end of the book, I really liked it.  As Fermina and Florentino were getting to know each other again, I came to really like Fermina and to appreciate everything Florentino went through for the chance to be with her.   In order to appreciate the book, I think you have to let yourself be swept away with it.  As someone commented earlier, this is not a book that is meant to be taken literally.

My favorite encounter involving this book happened on a flight to Durham.  I was sitting next to a guy who was reading the Economist which had a story about water shortage.  He was chatty and began telling me about the article. I said that I was reading about water too; as in, how water can kill you.  I then explained how Cholera is a water based disease.  Throughout the flight, we were comparing notes on what we were learning about water.  It made the journey go faster!

Love in the time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez was certainly an engaging reading experience. I have written about it in two previous posts.

Recommend to a friend: YES

I read this book for two challenges:

The Neustadt Challenge

Orbis Terrarum

**If you have reviewed this book as well, please leave a link to your review in the comments and I will add a link**

Posted on Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 10:59AM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | Comments3 Comments

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Reader Comments (3)

I read Love in the Time of Cholera about a year or so ago. I remember putting it down and thinking to myself that it was by far one of the most beautiful books I had ever read - its language and its story seemed so incredibly well done to me.

I agree that the part about him sleeping with the little girl was a little creepy. I had a similar reaction but then I reminded myself that, according to the author, Florentino had slept with 300+ women. So I decided, as you said, to put 'reading literally' aside. Surprisingly, it made the read more enjoyable.
August 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelsey
So glad you stayed with it and ended up enjoying it. I love this book and agree that you do have to just let yourself be swept away by the story and the beauty of his writing. And I loved the ending...I felt like it has this perfect heat and intensity that could have easily been turned into porn in the wrong hands.
Kelsey: When I finished the book, I certainly felt like I had read something rare and special.

Rebecca: I took your advice and the experience was more enjoyable. The line between poetry and porn was really thin in this book.
August 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbeastmomma

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