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Man of the House

Even though I should be packing for my flight tomorrow, I wanted to take the time to write my review of Man of the House by Ad Hudler.   Here is a summary of the book from the author's website:

We find Linc Menner thriving as a stay-at-home dad. His gourmet cooking is sublime, his cleaning unrivaled, and his devotion to his daughter, Violet, unparalleled.  But when the Menners relocate from upstate New York to the steamy beaches of Naples, Florida, life takes an unexpected turn. As the Menners renovate their new home, Linc’s bliss turns into a war zone of contractors, drywall dust, and chaos. And suddenly being surrounded by guys whose faces go blank as he expounds on the virtues of lump-free gravy makes Linc realize he has forgotten what it feels like to be a man.

Overall, I liked the book very much! The author did a great job of moving the story forward by having each chapter told from the perspective of a different character.  While there is more acceptance of stay-at-home dad's, not very much is written about the experience.  The book challenged notions of masculinity and fatherhood.  I especially enjoyed how the main character struggled with being a devoted father and parent while trying to figure out what makes him feel fulfilled.  My favorite character was the daughter, Violent.  The way she describes and witnesses her father's change was entertaining and insightful. 

Other people who have reviewed this book:

Planet Books

If you have a reviewed this book, please leave a link to your review in the comments and I will add it to the post.

Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 1:59AM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

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