Son of Rambow
How did I end up watching this movie?
When I was in Durham two weeks, Partner to-be and I decided to see a movie. We wanted something unusual and the premise of this movie sounded interesting. Here is the summary from moviefone: Will, who isn't allowed to watch TV or go to the movies, expresses himself through his drawings and illustrations until he finds himself caught up in the extraordinary world of Lee Carter, the school terror and crafter of bizarre home movies. Carter exposes Will to a pirated copy of the first Rambo film, First Blood, which blows his mind wide open. Against his family's orders, his imaginative little brain begins to flower in the world of filmmaking. Will and Lee become popular at school through their films, but when a French exchange student, Didier Revol, arrives on the scene, their unique friendship and precious film are pushed to the breaking point.
Which character did I like best in the movie?
Will’s mother because you can tell the she genuinely cares for her son, but is also conflicted with wanting to stay with the church community.
What was my favorite quote from the movie?
This is not a quote as much as a scene. This righteous religious guy is at the dinner table. Will is not eating his food. His mother asks if he would like to be excused. The Guy says something about he was not excused until he finishes eating. The mother takes off her head scarf, gets up, takes the Guy’s plate, and kicks him out. It was a moment in the movie when she started to take control of her life.
What will stick with me from the movie?
How I should never assume that a good premise equals an interesting movie.
If I could change one thing about the movie, what would it be?
I would like to movie to follow through on the promise made by the synopsis.
Who would enjoy this movie?
If you are looking for something long and boring with a few comic breaks, this is the movie for you. If you like to be entertained and engaged all the way through, then see something else.
Which screen is this movie best viewed on?
I think you could live a perfectly good life without ever viewing this movie.
Other comments?
I am surprised at how much critical acclaim this movie received. As Partner to-be said, it got really predictable and trite at the end.
Website: Son of a Rambow
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