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Runaway-- Finished

A few days ago, I started Alice Munro's collection of short stories. This is our selection for the book club which will meet on Jan.22nd. I just finished the first story and it looks like I have a good book ahead.  The writing makes the characters and their dilemmas accessible.  Even though I have to finish it in a short time, I hope that I will still get to savor the words.


I managed to finish this selection right on time seeing as the meeting is tomorrow.  Since it was short stories, that made the book easier to read quickly and to savor.  I loved the characters and the fact that many of them were women struggling with ambition and romance as many of us do.  My favorite story was the title piece called "Runaway" and I also appreciated getting to see the character in that one at three different stages of life. Even though there was sadness at various intervals, the overall theme was certainly one of people trying to make their way through the world.

Recommend to a friend: YES!

Posted on Monday, January 9, 2006 at 11:13PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

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