Julie and Julia

How did I end up watching this movie?

I read the book Julie and Julia for the first meeting of the book club I started in MA.  I was not too crazy about the book, but kept hearing wonderful things about the movie.  I put it into my netflix queue and was excited to finally get the movie at home and have a chance to watch it. 

Which character did I like best in the movie?

Julia Child-- her spunk and spark were lovely to watch. 

What was my favorite quote from the movie?

I cannot remember the exact quote, but I love when Julia Child's character is crying and explaining that she is so happy after reading a letter from her sister.  

What will stick with me from the movie?

The importance of finding purpose and working on something which gives your life meaning. 

If I could change one thing about the movie, what would it be?

More screen time of Meryl Streep.  I loved the story of Julia Child and her relationship with her husband. 

Who would enjoy this movie?

People who love food, writing, and stories about people finding their own way. 

Which screen is this movie best viewed on?

Either one. 

Other comments?

Another thing I really enjoyed about the movie was the relationship between Julia Child and her husband.  I struggled with some of the traits I found self-indulgent in the Julie Powell character. I wish I had seen the movie sooner.  Overall, I felt really inspired and moved. 

Posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 9:06PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

Jane Austen's Work

How did I end up watching this movie?

I decided to join the Everything Austen challenge for which I committed to watching six Austen themed movies.  This was my LAST selection!  Even though the challenge officially finished at the end of December, I decided to forge ahead and finish.

Which character did I like best in the movie?

No one really because there were just narrators and people reading passages from her books.

What was my favorite quote from the movie?

Nothing stands out.

What will stick with me from the movie?

How it is amazing how quickly an interesting life story can be made boring with monotone voice and scenes that do not match the words.

If I could change one thing about the movie, what would it be?

Tighter editing with a more engaging speaker and more interesting visuals.

Who would enjoy this movie?

People who love Austen enough to sit through a boring lecture.

Which screen is this movie best viewed on?


Other comments?

I learned a lot from the movie, I just wish that it had been more engaging.

WebsiteJane Austen's Work.

Posted on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 10:14PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

Northanger Abbey (2007-- Masterpiece Theatre 

How did I end up watching this movie?

I decided to join the Everything Austen challenge for which I committed to watching six Austen themed movies.  This was my fifth selection.  Even though the challenge officially finished at the end of December, I decided to forge ahead and finish.

Which character did I like best in the movie?

Catherine Morland because she seemed to live with her head buried in books.  I loved her genuineness and desire to make new friends.

What was my favorite quote from the movie?

I cannot remember which is terrible because I did enjoy the movie very much.

What will stick with me from the movie?

The contrast between the seemingly rosy *real* life and the scary fantasies with sexual overtones.

If I could change one thing about the movie, what would it be?

The movie made assumptions (I think) that the viewer was familiar with the Austen novel, if not intimately acquainted with the work.  Unfortunately, I do not fit into that category.  Northanger Abbey is one of the Austen novels that I have not yet read (probably bad to admit that as a participant in an Everything Austen challenge).  Anyway, I wish that I had more background on the story because I probably would have enjoyed

Who would enjoy this movie?

I think people who love Jane Austen and enjoy Masterpiece Theatre.  Although, my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt based on my answer to the above question.

Which screen is this movie best viewed on?


Other comments?

While the story was told at a comfortable pace, it actually moved quickly.

Website: Northanger Abbey

Posted on Friday, January 8, 2010 at 11:03PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment

Jane Austen in Manhatten

How did I end up watching this movie?

I decided to join the Everything Austen challenge for which I committed to watching six Austen themed movies.  This was my fourth selection.

Which character did I like best in the movie?

Victor because he was driven by his love of his wife and hope for their relationship.  I also liked Lillianna, but it was hard to care very much for any of the characters.

What was my favorite quote from the movie?

Nothing was particularly memorable.

What will stick with me from the movie?

A movie with an interesting premise can still turn out to be A WASTE OF TIME!

If I could change one thing about the movie, what would it be?

I wish that the funds had not been wasted on bringing the movie into the world. I did not like it at all and I could not understand the value of it.  I felt like I was watching an abstract painting without the asethic pleasure, only chaos.

Who would enjoy this movie?

No one.  Jane Austen fans will be horrified by how beloved Austen is twisted to create something which moves slowly and makes no sense.  Every one else will be counting the minutes until it ends.

Which screen is this movie best viewed on?


Other comments?

Some movies make me feel like I am not in the right state of mind to appreciate them.  For this movie, I think that I should have had a lot of mood altering beverages to enjoy it.

Website: Jane Austen in Manhattan

Posted on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 7:34PM by Registered Commenter[beastmomma] | CommentsPost a Comment
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