Weekly Geeks #2
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 3:53PM

Time for Weekly Geeks #2! This week, Dewey has challenged the Weekly Geeks to borrow an idea (with permission, of course) from Darla at Books and Other Thoughts and link reviews of other book bloggers to our reviews.

This will allow everyone to get a variety of opinions on the same book! Sounds like a great idea to me. So for this week's assignment, I'll be cruising participant's blogs and leaving links to my reviews and if you have reviewed any of the books below, leave me a link to your review in the comments to this post or in a comment on the review and I'll link it to my review.  If you do not have a blog, but would like to share your thoughts on any of the books, leave that in the comments as well. I will see if I can incorporate those into the review as well. If I have time, I may even look at non-participant blogs to see what we have in common :)


Article originally appeared on Beastmomma (http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/).
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